Graduate Courses

At CAMS-care believe wholeheartedly that the training of future healthcare providers in effective strategies to assess, manage, and treat suicide risk is integral for reducing suicide.

We hope to provide you with a menu of options for integrating CAMS into your course(s). Whether you are a CAMS trained clinician or not, we hope you consider playing a key role in training the next generation of suicide prevention professionals. If you want to talk through these materials or these resources do not fit your needs, please email to speak with a CAMS consultant currently using CAMS on their college campus.

3-Hour State of the Field of Suicide Prevention Lecture

This three-hour course consisting of five 20-30 minute videos covers suicide statistics/epidemiology, risk factors and warning signs of suicide, contemporary research regarding why people die by suicide, and an overview of suicide-specific interventions, including but not limited to CAMS.

This lecture could be assigned outside of class with related activities, such as class discussions or an assigned reflection paper. Additional materials such as potential reflection questions and exam/quiz questions are available upon request. It would be a nice addition to broader courses in human services (e.g., abnormal psychology/psychopathology, systems of psychotherapy/counseling, etc.).

Suicide Statistics


Suicide Myths


3-Hour Primer and Clinical Demonstration of CAMS

This three-hour videotaped lecture consisting of five 20-30 minute videos includes an overview of the CAMS Framework® as well as taped demonstrations by the creator, Dr. David Jobes. Like the state of the field lecture above, this could be assigned outside of class with related activities, such as class discussions or an assigned reflection paper. Additionally, clips from this video could be viewed and discussed during the lecture as a means of discussing similarities/differences between CAMS and other interventions covered in the course. This video would be ideal for courses in which students begin to learn therapeutic interventions. Additional materials such as potential reflection questions and exam/quiz questions are available upon request.

Suicide Risk Management


Suicide Risk Assessment


1-Hour Clinical Demonstration of CAMS Suicide Risk Assessment and Treatment Planning

This one-hour course consisting of four videos is an unscripted demonstration of the CAMS risk assessment and treatment planning tools performed by the creator, Dr. David Jobes. This could be assigned outside of class with related activities, such as class discussions or an assigned reflection paper. Generally, this would be a shorter option of the 3-hour primer and clinical demonstration of CAMS described above. Additional materials such as potential reflection questions and exam/quiz questions are available upon request.

CAMS Primer


CAMS Integrated Training

This one-hour video is an unscripted demonstration of the CAMS risk assessment and treatment planning tools performed by the creator, Dr. David Jobes. This could be assigned outside of class with related activities, such as class discussions or an assigned reflection paper. Generally, this would be a shorter option of the 3-hour primer and clinical demonstration of CAMS described above. Additional materials such as potential reflection questions and exam/quiz questions are available upon request.

CAMS Demonstration

Hands-On Practicum Using CAMS: CAMS on Campus at LSU

Hands-On Practicum Using CAMS

CAMS integrated training and creating practicum opportunities for students to use CAMS in their clinical work may be an important way to train the next generation of providers while serving those in your community. Check out the unique ways universities across the nation are training graduate students in CAMS and using this training to reduce suicide in local clinics and hospitals.

Email if you are interested in communicating with those who have organized these experiences.

Additional CAMS Resources

CAMS Blog & Educational Content

Find blogs and educational content about a variety of topics, including suicide in teens, Transgender and Gender Diverse suicide risk factors, and how evidence-based suicide interventions should be adapted when working with those from historically marginalized backgrounds.

A Course on Suicidology

Muehlenkamp and Thoen (2019) has created a course that increases suicide awareness and decreases in stigmatizing attitudes towards at-risk individuals. Those interested in teaching a psychology course should reach out to the authors of this study for their syllabi and consider incorporating CAMS.