Wyoming Suicide Rate Statistics


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An important goal of the federal government’s National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (Goal 7), as well as Wyoming’s Suicide Prevention Program, is to ensure community and clinical health care providers are trained in evidence-based suicide-specific assessments, management and delivery of effective clinical care.

Suicide Rates in Wyoming

Wyoming is ranked 1st in the nation for its high suicide rate. Throughout the state of Wyoming, suicide is the:

  • 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10-44
  • 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10-34
  • 3rd leading cause of death for ages 10-34
  • 5th leading cause of death for ages 45-54
  • 8th leading cause of death for ages 55-64
  • 13th leading cause of death for ages 65+

Overall, suicide is the 8th leading cause of death in Wyoming.

More than 5 times as many people died by suicide in 2019 than in alcohol related motor vehicle accidents.

52.93% of communities did not have enough mental health providers to serve residents in 2021, according to federal guidelines.


SourcesAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) & Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)



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The CAMS Framework has been proven through multiple randomized clinical trials to be the best assessment, intervention and treatment to reduce suicide ideation.It is recommended by such groups as the Zero Suicide Initiative, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Sentinel Event Alert (PDF) by the Joint Commission.

While it is important that communities learn how to identify the signs of suicide risk, it is crucial to have a network of healthcare providers in place and trained in evidence-base suicide-specific treatment to whom people identified as suicidal may be immediately referred.

According to the Wyoming Suicide Prevention Resource Guide, “rural communities are at an increased risk of suicide due to a variety of factors, including lack of access to mental health care. One strategy to address this is to provide mental health care to rural communities through telehealth. The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is a highly interactive and collaborative structure for therapy to manage and assess suicidal patients. CAMS involves engaging the patient in their own treatment and has been shown to be effective across a variety of settings. Providing CAMS through telehealth would allow rural residents to receive life-saving mental health care in the midst of crisis.”

CAMS-care offers several training options to meet various learning styles and budgets. Because CAMS is a flexible Framework, it can be easily adapted to cultural and tribal preferences. The CAMS treatment is available via online training, in-person role-play training, consultation calls, ZOOM training, and more.

Mental health professionals have reported that the CAMS Framework has given them a way to confidently treat suicidal patients effectively in only 6-8 sessions. And, more importantly, patients have reported that they like using the CAMS Framework.

Learn more about how CAMS addresses mental health. Find a CAMS Trained clinician in Wyoming.


The CE requirements for the state of Wyoming include:

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Wyoming Social Workers Need 45 CE Credit Hours Every Two Years

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Counselors in Wyoming Need 45 CE Credit Hours Every Two Years

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Wyoming Requires 30 CE Credit Hours Every 2 Years for Psychologists

Model Bill to Effectively Reduce the Suicide Rate in Wyoming

While training communities to identify the signs of suicide risk is important, it is not enough to effectively reduce the suicide rate. Legislation must be passed that requires all mental health professionals and primary care physicians to receive training in evidence-based, assessment, management, intervention, and treatment of suicide risk. Because, everyone deserves a life worth living.


CAMS-care offers training courses and materials for individuals and organizations. Our products allow professionals to earn CE credits to meet your state’s CE requirements:


The CAMS proven framework is introduced in Dr. Jobes book, “Managing Suicidal Risk: A Collaborative Approach“. The current edition includes evidence data from decades worth of extensive research and has a greater emphasis on how to implement CAMS in clinical settings. You may earn 6 CE credits after reading the book and passing the CE test.


CAMS-care offers engaging video training opportunities that gives professionals to earn 1 – 3 CE credits. We’ve offer training in addressing malpractice and ethical liability when working with suicidal patients, tips suggestions for working with difficult patients, and treating suicide risk with children and adolescents.


We also provide on-site Role-Play Training, Consultation Calls, and host Education Days for more hands-on approaches to the CAMS framework.