CAMS Training for Individuals

Learn how to save lives through quick, affordable, and easy-to-implement training solutions.

Whether you’re an independent psychiatrist, therapist, clinician, counselor, social worker, or other, feel empowered to treat patients experiencing suicidality by reducing overall symptom distress, changing suicidal cognitions, and increasing hope. Through our comprehensive training, you’ll gain new skills and knowledge to implement the CAMS Framework effectively in your practice.

Beyond direct skills and knowledge, when you participate in a CAMS training program, you join the CAMS community. Count on us to support your needs, including staying up-to-date in the dynamic field of suicidology, as you focus on supporting clients in some of the most difficult moments of their lives.


Feel Confident and Prepared

Suicidality manifests differently in each individual. CAMS equips you with the confidence and competence to navigate diverse presentations of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Through our comprehensive training, you’ll learn how to apply the skills and knowledge of the CAMS Framework in practice to effectively treat patients experiencing suicidality.

Find Your Ideal Training Solution

Our training solutions are affordable and flexible to meet your individual needs. We understand your time is extremely valuable and limited. Complete your CAMS training modules at the convenience of your own pace, in between running your own business, client appointments and protecting your own mental health. When you’re ready, experience the ease of implementing the skills and knowledge into your practice.

Minimized Malpractice Risk

Reduce Malpractice Risk

We understand that it can be nerve wracking to work with clients experiencing suicidality. With the CAMS approach, you maintain comprehensive documentation of every session — including the Suicide Status Form and the Stabilization Support Plan — which you as the mental health professional and your patient complete together as partners. This documentation significantly minimizes your exposure to malpractice while ensuring exceptional patient care.


Join a Committed Community

It can feel lonely and isolating working independently in the field of mental health. With CAMS, you become part of a network of like-minded, supportive professionals.Get instant access to shared resources, best practices, and valuable connections at your fingertips.

Recommended Learning Path for Individuals

Individual clinicians can to build a foundation of CAMS by completing the following steps:

  1. Read the CAMS Book: Managing Suicidal Risk, A Collaborative Approach 3rd Edition.
  2. Take our 3-hour CAMS Online Video Course. In this course, Dr. Jobes provides an overview of the CAMS framework and demonstrates CAMS with a suicidal patient from intake through resolution.
  3. Attend a CAMS Role-Play Training
  4. Participate in CAMS Consultation Calls with one of our CAMS Consultants to increase your knowledge base and confidence.

Once you receive your CAMS-Trained certification, consider continuing your training to meet the unique needs and situations of patients across settings and demographics, including CAMS BI and CAMS-4Teens.

Your journey with CAMS starts now. Learn how to quickly, confidently, and effectively save lives.

As a clinician who has lost a loved one to suicide, I can vouch for CAMS being not only instructive but also personally healing in helping me feel like I CAN help people who think of suicide.

Evan Merida, MA, LPC, NCC
Sun and Shade Counseling
Denver, CO

The approach of sitting with a client’s thoughts of self harm without immediately jumping to hospitalization has led to better outcomes — both because I’m more confident to stay in that space with them and because that willingness creates a greater trust between us.

CAMS Trained Clinician

Frequently Asked Questions

At some juncture, we hope to provide regularly scheduled regional trainings around the country and abroad but these are not yet available. In response to COVID-19, we have created an Online Role-Play Training for individuals using the Zoom platform with Zoom Breakout Rooms for role-play sessions.