NAViGO’s Implementation of CAMS System of Care in UK: Preliminary Positive Outcomes

In 2017, NAViGO Community Interest Company implemented CAMS as part of their National Health Service-commissioned health and social care services in the United Kingdom, for a highly deprived ward with a population of over 165,000 people.

Within two years of implementing this system of care for Mental Health, the following preliminary outcomes have been realized:

• Increased healthcare clinicians’ confidence in assessing and treating suicidal patients
• Greatly reduced waiting time for care
• Reduced number of individuals requiring a Crisis contact
• Lower average of Crisis total contacts and fewer individuals requiring subsequent inpatient admissions
• Reduced local suicide rates (preliminary data suggest a reduction of 80%)

While data is preliminary at this early stage of the implementation, the short-term trends observed are expected to be replicated over the full term of the project.

The article, available for download below, published with permission, describes the processes and outcomes of NAViGO’s custom implementation of CAMS as their primary system of care for suicidality among the mentally ill in this community. It is the hope of all of us at CAMS-care that more communities around the world can replicate a similar system of care for similar positive outcomes in reducing the number of suicides in their own health care systems.