How can technology improve how we predict and prevent suicidal thoughts and behavior? On-Demand Webinar
Technology like smartphones and smartwatches have become nearly ubiquitous over the past few years. This has led to a surge of interest into using this technology to better understand suicide risk as it occurs in everyday life as well as improve the delivery of interventions for suicide risk. In this webinar, Dr. Evan Kleiman will first focus on the progress we have made in using technology to predict and prevent suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Next, he will talk about the opportunities and challenges of using technology with suicidal individuals in clinical practice. Dr. Kleiman will end by giving a balanced view of what may and may not be possible in the future when using technology to study suicide.

About Dr. Evan Kleiman, PhD
Evan Kleiman is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Rutgers University, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy in the School of Public Health. Dr. Kleiman’s work focuses on understanding the everyday occurrence of factors of interest to clinical psychological scientists. He has a specific focus on the everyday lives of individuals at risk for suicide using smartphone and wearable monitoring technology. His work has been published in over 125 peer-reviewed manuscripts and is currently funded by several NIMH grants.
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