New Directions in Suicide Safety Planning: The Project Life Force (PLF) Intervention

Dr. Goodman described the development and testing of a novel treatment – “Project Life Force (PLF)” – which combines aspects of two evidence based treatments: Suicide Safety Planning and Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills. The intervention is delivered in a group format and virtually since the pandemic. PLF framework, clinical data and implementation efforts were reviewed.

Marianne Goodman, PhD

Marianne Goodman, MD

Dr. Goodman has been a full time VA clinician (psychiatrist)-scientist at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center (JJPVA) for twenty-five years. In addition to being the Director of the VISN 2 Mental Illness, Research, Education, Clinical Center (MIRECC), she was the Director and developer of the JJPVA Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Clinical and Research program from 2002-2015 and Director of the JJPVA Suicide Prevention Clinical Research Program from 2015-present. Her expertise is in the management of high risk suicidal and emotionally dysregulated Veterans and is considered one of the top suicide prevention experts in the VA system, actively involved in clinical care, research and education. Additionally, she has been the recipient of several prestigious awards for her involvement in suicide prevention and DBT treatment including the New York Federal Executive Employee Outstanding Individual Achievement Award for her Clinical DBT Program for Suicidal Veterans (2009), VISN 3 Network Director’s Achievement Award for Training VISN 3 Clinicians in DBT (2012), and the New York State Excellence in Suicide Prevention Award for Implementation of Zero Suicide in a Healthcare Setting (2018).
In 2015, she shifted her research direction to focus on treatment development for suicide prevention and designed “Project Life Force” (PLF) a novel group intervention that adapts DBT, combining emotion regulation skills with suicide safety planning and lethal means safety which was initially funded with a VA RR&D SPiRE pilot grant (2016-2018), and more recently funded with a multi-site VA RCT with a CSRD Merit (2018-2024). This intervention has moved to full telehealth delivery and with a 2021 SPRINT pilot award expanded to target populations of suicidal rural Veterans (PLF-RV). Dr. Goodman will present on her Project Life Force Intervention.

David A. Jobes, PhD

About David A. Jobes Ph.D. ABPP

David Jobes, PhD, ABPP, is the founder of CAMS-care, LLC. He began his career in 1987 in the Counseling Center of the Catholic University of America, where he developed a suicide risk assessment tool for college students that evolved into CAMS. Dr. Jobes is now a Professor of Psychology and Associate Director of Clinical Training at Catholic; he has trained thousands of mental health professionals in the United States and abroad in evidence-based assessment and treatment of suicide risk and the use of CAMS.

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