Associations of Suicide Prevention Trainings with Practices and Confidence among Clinicians at Community Mental Health Centers

Suicide and Life-Threatening behavior published “Associations of Suicide Prevention Trainings with Practices and Confidence among Clinicians at Community Mental Health Centers”. This paper was written by Devon LoParo, Ph.D., Ivonne Andrea Florez, Ph.D., Nakia Valentine, MBA, and Dorian A. Lamis, Ph.D.

The results suggest that CAMS followed by DBT training are superior at impacting implementation of evidence-based practices of suicide care. These trainings are well known for providing clinicians with novel and specific tools for the 1152 SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING treatment of at-risk individuals who experience suicidality that go beyond basic training on best practices related to suicide prevention (Jobes, 2012; Landes et al., 2016; Tørmoen et al., 2014). CAMS, in particular, was specifically created to target suicidality by identifying distal and proximal risk factors and drivers of suicidal intention. One of the advantages of CAMS is that treatment is designed to be a collaborative process in which both the clinician and the client decide the focus of intervention to reduce suicidality (Ellis, Rufino, & Allen, 2017; Jobes, 2012). The empirical evidence on the effectiveness of CAMS to target suicidality is continuing to grow; for example, CAMS demonstrates effectiveness in reducing suicide ideation, overall distress, and increasing hope (Ellis, Rufino, Allen, Fowler, & Jobes, 2015; Jobes, Lento, & Brazaitis, 2012; Ryberg et al., 2016)

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Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior is the official journal of the American Association of Suicidology.